Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers [Sections 13 or 15(d)]

Consolidated income statement

Consolidated income statement - EUR (€)
€ in Thousands
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2024
Dec. 31, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Profit or loss [abstract]      
Revenue € 1,104,036 € 1,085,354 € 983,680
Cost of sales 801,717 745,461 663,879
Gross Profit 302,319 339,893 319,801
Other operating income 9,091 10,423 18,850
Selling and marketing expenses 24,853 24,978 26,086
Research and development expenses 31,668 35,672 34,387
General and administrative expenses 93,747 88,946 85,747
Operating Profit 161,142 200,720 192,431
Finance income 22,326 20,250 25,050
Finance expense 23,180 31,417 29,840
Profit Before Tax 160,288 189,553 187,641
Income taxes 42,522 43,863 44,625
Net Profit 117,766 145,690 143,016
Net Profit attributable to:      
Equity holders of the parent 117,778 145,631 142,849
Non-controlling interests € (12) € 59 € 167
Earnings per share      
Basic earnings per common share (in EUR) € 0.43 € 0.55 € 0.54
Diluted earnings per common share (in EUR) € 0.43 € 0.55 € 0.54